Viscount Michael Saint Sever


Squired to Sir Strider of Duramen


  Known Awards (From West Kingdom Awards List):

Defender of the West (08/22/1987)

Rose Leaf/AA (04/07/1991)

Knight (04/28/1991)

Silver Ivy (11/13/1993)

Viscount (05/07/1994)

Princess' Favor (05/07/1994)

Commendabilis (03/23/1996)



(links are to Kingdom of the West's photos):

People ((Chad Bitor's 'People' Page))
Beltane Coronation (April 25-May 5, 1991, AS XXV)
Beltane Coronation (April 25-May 5, 1991, AS XXV)
Purgatorio Coronation (August 21-22, 1993, AS XXVIII)
Black Knight Tourney -- Canale (September 11-12, 1993, AS XXVIII)
Black Knight Tourney -- Canale (September 11-12, 1993, AS XXVIII)
Fall Coronet Tournament -- Principality of the Mists (October 9-10, 1993, AS XXVIII)
Fall Coronet Tournament -- Principality of the Mists (October 9-10, 1993, AS XXVIII)
Fall Investiture -- Principality of the Mists (November 14, 1993, AS XXVIII)
Twelfth Night Coronation (January 15, 1994, AS XXVIII)
June Crown Tournament (June 18-19, 1994, AS XXIX)



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